- Directed by Ruben Fleischer
- Written by Rhett Weese, Paul Warnick, Dave Callahan
- Stars Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin
- Run Time: 1 Hour, 39 Minutes
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjelrTXP21I

Spoiler-free Judgment Zone
This was cool how ten years passed in our world and the movie world, and the same quartet is back. They are a little older, and Little Rock is all grown up. This movie is another dose of the same, with even more so. It’s funny and gross and full of action. A very good sequel.
Spoilery Synopsis
Columbus explains that in the time since the first film, zombies have evolved into “types.” There are Homers, the stupid ones, and Hawkings, the smart ones. Then there are the silent, deadly Ninjas.
We cut to the four main characters from before on the lawn at the White House, massacring zombies. They sleep in the Lincoln bedroom, but cover Lincoln’s eyes because he’s creepy. Little Rock complains about never having a boyfriend, but she doesn’t have many options. They give each other some very unique presents for Christmas.
Columbus reads “The Walking Dead” comics and says it’s not very realistic. He wants to marry Wichita, but she’s not into that at all. The next morning, the girls leave… again. Tallahassee talks about his Indian blood, and he bores Columbus.
Columbus meets Madison. She’s annoying. She picks on Tallahassee for being so old. Tallahassee complains, “Zombies eat brains, and she ain’t got any!” Then Wichita returns to steal some weapons; Little Rock is gone– she ran off with “Berkeley,” a pacifist musician. This doesn’t go over well with Tallahassee, who has gotten all parental over the years. The two young people ran off to go visit Graceland. There is supposed to be a new, better, stronger zombie out there.
Columbus and Wichita make up, and then Madison shows up. Oops.
The whole group packs up and goes after the kids to Graceland. Madison gets on everyone’s nerves, but she is nicer than Wichita, even if she’s completely stupid. They run into the “new” type of zombie that doesn’t go down with a double-tap. They call them the “T-800” model.
Berkeley is a bit of a songwriter, and he serenades Little Rock in their car. Back in the other car, Madison gets sick. “If you love something, you shoot it in the face so it doesn’t become a flesh-eating monster.” Columbus shoots her himself.
They make it to Graceland, and it’s a burned-out wreck. They do, however, find the Hounddog Hotel, which has Little Rock’s car parked out front. Columbus puts on the blue suede shoes.
Tallahassee is attacked by a woman named Nevada. She says Little Rock and Berkeley left a few days ago for a commune. She talks about how Bill Murray died, by pretending to be a zombie and some dummy shot him. It’s now called “Murraying,” but Columbus pretends not to understand. Nevada and Tallahassee get real friendly, real fast.
Little Rock and Berkeley get to the Babylon commune, and they’re invited in. They melt down their guns and make peace pendants. It’s a weird, walled-off place.
A new guy, Albuquerque, shows up at the Hotel, and he’s like a twisted mirror of Tallahassee. Then Flagstaff, the Dollar-Store clone of Columbus, shows up. He has a list of “Commandments” that are the same as Columbus’s rules. The two cowboys mock each other and the two nerds… nerd at each other.
A group of T-800s show up. Albuquerque and Flagstaff make short work of them, But Albuquerque got bit. It doesn’t take long until he starts to turn. Flagstaff got bit twice. The pair end up fighting their evil doppelgangers in the Elvis museum.
They get back on the road and pass Madison driving a clown truck. She’s not dead. Turns out, she just had a nut allergy. Like, who could have known trail mix has nuts?
The group eventually finds Babylon, but they aren’t allowed to take their guns inside. They meet up with Little Rock, who actually may be happier left alone here. Tallahassee decides to leave for his own adventures. He doesn’t get very far before he finds a whole mob of T-800s heading for the completely unarmed Babylon.
They set up some traps and get ready for the T-800s. They blow up a whole bunch of them, but there are a lot more of the monsters than expected. They’re all about to die when Nevada charges in with a monster truck and rescues them. It’s all awesome until the monster truck rolls over.
Tallahassee leads the zombies up onto the roof of the tower. The group sets up a gauntlet, and the whole zombie crew runs right off the roof to their deaths, just like in his buffalo story from earlier.
Wichita agrees to marry Columbus. Tallahassee and Nevada do too. So do Madison and Berkely. All the hippies have a party.
Later, the group drives away in Elvis’s pink Cadillac, and we get a Bill Murray flashback.
No one wants the minivan.
We’ve upgraded to “Zombie Kill of the Year” in this one. They sort of explain the electricity question: rains in dams.
It’s really got the same humor and situations as the first one, but there’s more of it, and the jokes didn’t wear thin. At least not yet…