Short Film: What if (2021)

  • Director: Tammy Klembith
  • Writer: Tammy Klembith
  • Stars: Elizabeth Selby, Helynn Castro
  • Run Time: 6 minutes


A woman looks at the dollhouse in her shed, then goes out to rake the leaves with her husband, Cory. While raking, she finds a fancy slipper. He dumps some leaves on her, and scares her with a spider-prank. She goes snd takes a bath. She sees s big spider jump in the tub. Is Cory playing a joke on her? When she looks again, it gone.

She sees wet footprints on the ground and hears the words, “Go now.” Cory doesn’t see them. As she sleeps, an arm from under the bed grabs her, and it’s definitely not Cory.

She then sees a little girl in her room. Once again, she sees the message, “Go now.” She runs outside and falls in the pool.

The little girl in the slippers screams and points at the empty pool. She sees the woman floating dead, but her father doesn’t see the body. She says she tried to warn the woman. Cody is the girl’s father. “If you knew how you were going to die, would go through with life anyway?” She asks.

Cody finds an old baseball in the yard. He starts seeing things too…


“What if you’re inside of my dream,” says the dead woman. I’m not completely sure what happened here, but it was some kind of alternate timeline thing. It was really well done and very creepy, but maybe needed a little more exposition to make it clearer what was happening.