Director: Dejan Zecevic
Writers: Barry Keating, Milan Konjevic
Stars: Ken Foree, Katarina Cas, Monte Markham
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1 Hour, 30 Minutes

In a hospital in Seattle, a woman, Liz, goes into the ICU to visit a very sick little boy. He dies. The woman wakes up, what we saw happened in the past, and this was her dream. She’s an agent of the CIA, an encryption specialist, and she’s just been reactivated after two years off. She meets up with Agent John Smith, and he explains that they lost contact with a special satellite that crashed in Serbia. Their job is to recover the satellite. They’re taking along Dr. Dysart, a former astronaut and now a professor of astronomy. His assistant turns out to be a Serbian agent. The four of them all meet up in a deserted factory for some reason.
Before long, they’re all wandering around the Serbian countryside in the dark. They spot a strange quiet boy in a white suit. They come up a big old house. The Serbian guy knocks on the door and gets shot in the stomach.
In the basement, they find a spacesuit and a woman acting strangely muttering in Serbian. The old woman goes crazy and attacks Liz with an axe, so Liz shoots her. The signal they’ve been following is the spacesuit; there is no satellite. There’s no shuttle wreckage, so where did he come from?
The professor gets upset, the spaceman has been missing for thirty-five years. They were on a classified mission to the dark side of the moon in 1976, Hamlin just disappeared there, so they came back without him. But now he’s back. Hamlin found a portal, or a rift, there on the moon. Is it a portal through time and space?
Liz goes outside looking for the strange boy and finds him laying in a coffin in the cemetery. He’s dead, so that might be why he was acting strange. The rift appears to her, and she can see the surface of the moon on the other side. As she comes back inside, she talks to the Serbian agent, who isn’t nearly as dead as she was a few minutes ago. The old lady gets back up and attacks Agent Smith, who shoots her a few more times. The dead are all getting back up. The second they walk out of the room, the spacesuit sits up.
Then there’s a half hour of talking and yelling where not much happens until Dr. Dysart shoots himself in the head, believing he’ll come back healthier. About this time, Agent Smith goes berserk and starts cutting off heads. The dead just won’t stay down! Suddenly, they’re all in another abandoned factory, and Smith is hunting down Liz and the kid in the white suit. He catches them, and everyone dies. And then there’s something about Liz’s son, who died two years ago, except for some reason, now he didn’t.
And then the astronaut starts appearing in big cities all over the world, it’s a religious sign, and there is rioting, and the reporters are going crazy, and Agent Smith is now the President, and all the dead are coming back to life, and then it ends.
“Death is dead!”
There’s lots of large abandoned buildings and ruins in Serbia. Katarina Cas’s accent is way too hard to understand to be the leading lady in an English-speaking movie; there were several points I couldn’t tell what she was talking about. Why spend half the movie talking to a spacesuit that very well could have been empty? At the end, the helicopters fly in for an evac. Why didn’t they just go in helicopters in the first place? Why does the astronaut suit just appear in strange places like it’s 2001? Why are the dead rising? Why is there a portal from the moon? Why did any of this happen?
Well, I don’t know, because this movie made no sense.