- Director: Kate Murray
- Writer: Kate Murray
- Stars: Ra Chapman, Gabriel Carrubba
- Run Time: 15 Minutes
- Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13010120/

A mother reads a bedtime story to her daughter. It’s in Chinese, but the girl reads in Chinese and English. It’s a story about a thousand-year-old fox who helps a family. The girl doesn’t like this house and wants to go home.
The husband gets home, and he’s a cop. He puts away his gun and belt and opens two beers, one for him and one for his wife. “I can’t keep driving this far,” he complains. He doesn’t like this house either, but she wants to keep the house. They argue.
The mother goes upstairs and sees a strange man in her daughter’s room, but when she opens the door, the girl is alone. The adults have sex while the little girl goes to sleep watching old monster movies.
The girl wakes up to see someone in her room. The mother is suddenly bleeding profusely. The husband has visions of a ghost, while the wife sees her mother. The ghost clearly doesn’t like the woman’s husband.
We then go back to the fight downstairs and watch him stab his wife. The girl saw the whole thing. The wife gets the gun and kills her husband before dying herself.
No, none of that happened. The girl was killed and the parents commit suicide.
Ummm… what?
It’s well acted, and all the characters have realistic motivations, but there are too many visions and things going on. I’m not actually sure who or what killed the little girl, but it looked like both the parents loved her, so I’m not sure why they would have done it.