- Directed by Marc Roussel
- Written by Marc Roussel, Mark Thibodeau
- Stars Ron Basch, Emily Alatalo, Angela Besgarah
- Run Time: 9:43
- Watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8rP77fwkfs

It’s Trick-or-Treat time once again, and the little ghost boy gets a can of cat food at an old woman’s house.
The four kids move on to the next place, where a creepy old man gives the devil-boy a dead bird.
The next place looks like a prepper’s military compound, and he tells them to leave. There’s a woman named Kate who comes down the stairs; she looks sick. He explains that they can’t just open the door for just anyone anymore. They could be infected…
What is going on here?
Was that Julian Richings? Spoiler: Yes, it was.
It starts out mundane enough but gets really weird quickly as we see that this is not a normal place.
It’s well-lit, well-shot has good music, and it’s not clear until the end what’s really going on. OK, I’m still not quite sure, but it’s all really good.