Short Film: Sulfuric (2019) Review

Sulfuric (2019)

Directed by: Jeff Brown

Written by: Jeff Brown

Starring: Tyler McClain and Irene Longshore

YouTube Link:

Sulfuric (2019)
Sulfuric (2019)

Jennifer comes home from a long trip. She smells rotten eggs. “Sarah? Are you OK?” Sarah is not OK.

She calls 911. Sarah sits up, but she won’t talk. She doesn’t want an ambulance. While Jennifer gets a bath ready for Sarah, she notices a pulsating glob of goo in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Sarah is having convulsions in the next room. When Jennifer comes out of the bathroom, Sarah is ten feet tall and has black eyes.


There’s no explanation of what’s going on, and we don’t even know if it’s a disease, demon possession, or just bad take-out. It’s well-shot, and the acting is fine, but nothing is explained.