Short Film: Sea Devil (2014)

What Happens

We are told that in the morning of June 22, 2012, an unmanned fishing boat was found in Miami; the crew never was. 

We flash back to the boat picking up two Cuban immigrants; cash is transferred as well. Much to their surprise, the captain puts them to work on his fishing boat to make it all look more legit. 

Something more than just fish enters the boat that night; it looks like a man with no legs, and he’s covered in barnacles. “Put me back” he moans. 

This isn’t going to end well, is it?


The characters and motivations are believable enough, the acting is good, the prosthetics are well done. The night shots are entirely too dark, sometimes you can only guess at what’s going on. The ending is also far too abrupt; we know what’s coming, but it would have been better to see a little more.