- Directed by Micah Groenevelt
- Written by Micah Groenevelt
- Stars Omid Harrison
- Run Time: 6:20
- Watch it at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt5wrj3HBa0

A man is chained to a chair with a lit lightbulb in his mouth. His hand is affixed to the chair arm with some kind of metal contraption over his ring finger.
Billy, the little doll-thing from the Saw movies pops up on a screen. It claims he regularly takes off his wedding ring to cheat on his wife. He drinks too much. He’s mean to others. He doesn’t appreciate what’s been given to him. He has to find a way out of the machine before the time has run down, or he will die.
This looks great. The set, makeup, and the flashbacks all look good and are very well shot. The acting is excellent.
The only gripe I have is with Billy. I watched this short three times, and could still only make out about a third of what he was saying. The effect they used to digitize his voice was not well done, and the YouTube video doesn’t offer subtitles. I’m still not quite sure of all the details surrounding the trap the man was in, although it was really interesting as well.
It’s definitely worth a watch!