- Directed by Joshua Carley
- Written by Joshua Carley
- Stars Luke Edwards, Laura Cayouette, Melissa Saint-Amand
- Run Time: 9:17
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDC3XWnuTr8

Henry interviews a woman about her experiences. He seems pretty new at doing interviews. Jody starts her story. Her daughter died of a brain aneurysm, and her husband had dreams about her where she talked about heaven and the afterlife. Then he started seeing her in the bedroom. Not long after, he killed himself. And that’s just the start of the story…
It’s really well done. It’s mostly just two people talking in a room, but the cinematography and audio is really good.
Of course, not everything is as it’s portrayed in the beginning, but the story evolves well and is really good.