Dale pulls something out of his stomach. What was that? There’s a knock at the door; it’s his mother, bringing food. The place is a filthy mess, but she pretends not to notice. It soon becomes clear that Dale’s hiding something strange in the back bedroom. Mother says that Dale’s father has lost a lot of weight and is in the hospital. Dale’s very distracted and acts very zoned-out. As they talk, strange things start to move within the apartment. Some of it crawls into her purse…
If you’ve ever had an unexpected guest interrupt something you don’t want to talk about, you know exactly the mood of the film. It’s pretty clearly a metaphor for addiction and drug use, but it’s also good as a straight up horror film. The production values are great; nothing looks cheap. The acting is excellent, and the body horror really works.
Directed by Stellan Kendrick Written by Stellan Kendrick Stars Courtney Gains, Caige Coulter Run Time: 3:32 Trailer: https://youtu.be/RsPZzaK-PgM https://youtu.be/RsPZzaK-PgM Synopsis Little Gracie tries to sleep, but there’s lots of noise outside her room. Then there are screams and crashes downstairs. She gets up, grabs her flashlight, and finds a madman…
By FlickswithNick Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ELOA6XyK2ao A guy tries to teach himself to shave. He decides he's a little too old for his mother to keep doing it, but he's wrong. This is not how it's supposed to work. I liked it. It's short, well-filmed, and it's one of my…
Directed by: Callum WindsorWritten by: Marisol SuarezStarring: Louise Elliker, Lewis Hyman, and Simon VictorRun Time: 12:54 YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNfMHiNu18Y&feature=youtu.be Synopsis A boy, Alfie, and his father are in an auto accident. Later on, we see the boy talking to the father, but no one else can see the father. Clearly, the…