Benjamin awaits his marriage, and he seems surprisingly unhappy about it. He’s afraid of losing his individuality and becoming a “Jigsaw” person. This sounds ridiculous until we see his co-worker, who has already undergone this “Transformation.” His fiancé, Mary, doesn’t seem completely overjoyed at the prospect either.
Maybe, just maybe, this couple isn’t ready for marriage.
There’s a lot of commentary here about being part of a team, part of a marriage, part of the world, and how terrifying and terrible that all can be. The makeup/masks are effective and make it clear what’s going on.
Directed by Peter Cilella Written by Peter Cilella Stars Daniel O’Brien, Lauran September, Caroline Jennings, Kira Powell Run Time: 4:21 Watch it: What Happens A father tells his young daughter a twisted bedtime story. Then he goes into the next room, where his wife tells him he just…
Directed/Shot by Marc Cartwright Starring: Baker Chase Powell, Nosheen Phoenix, Alex Diehl 13 Minutes A young couple talk about horror movies and how bad most of them are. Things go normally until the guy starts seeing his girlfriend in more than one place at a time. Then they start hearing…
Directed by Asa Braden Written by Asa Brader Stars Bill Hand, Jimmy Merchel, Tristan Johnson, Kyle Hardy, and Damien Kira Run Time: 10:14 Watch it: What Happens Sam and Joey were hired to clear out houses after tenants had been evicted. Joey, who is new, asks old-time Sam…