- Director: Michael Ambrosino
- Writer: Michael Ambrosino
- Stars: Valentina Baldi, Margaret Camilletti, Brock Vickers
- Run Time: 7 Minutes
- Link: https://www.laindiesmagazine.com/post/purgatory-a-short-thriller-by-michael-ambrosino

A girl and a guy stare at each other. She has blood on her face, and then we get a flash of both of them on the ground, dead. He blames her for leaving their daughter alone in the world.
We flash back to see the girl taking care of the baby. She tells the baby, “You’ll be in a better place soon” and goes inside. She sneaks up on her husband and stabs him in the neck, but he kills her in the process.
She appears on the beach, still spattered with blood. She walks off out into the water…
You kinda know what’s coming from the very first shot, the interesting part is in watching it all play out. He’s appropriately smarmy and douchey, while she’s clearly doing this for the safety of the baby.