Short Film: O, Glory! (2024)

  • Directed by Joe Williams, Charlie Edwards-Moss
  • Written by Joe Williams, Charlie Edwards-Moss
  • Stars Sam Spruell, Emily Stott, Jonathan Livingstone, Vincent Shiels
  • Run Time: 15:35
  • Watch it:

What Happens

A doctor gets calls to a remote British estate house, where Sylvester has called in the specialist and his assistant to deal with his maybe-insane sister. As the treatments progress, the specialist doesn’t make much progress; actually, he starts getting sicker himself. This isn’t going to end well, is it?


I like the retro look of this one. Between the picture quality, the setting, outfits, and everything else, this looks just like a segment out of one of the old Hammer or Amicus anthologies. Emily Stott seems to be channeling Shelley Duvall from her role in “The Shining,” and it’s perfect. It’s maybe a little longer than it needs to be, but overall, I liked it– it has a full story, and all the explanation we really need.