Short Film: Nightlight (2019) Review

Directed by Cragun Clayburn and Jeff Sanders

Starring Connor Fay, Diane Fay

YouTube Link:

4 Minutes

Short Film: Nightlight (2019)
Short Film: Nightlight (2019)


The kid wakes up in the middle of the night, and he’s scared. He switches on his flashlight, but there’s nothing there. Suddenly, there’s a bloody monster under the bed.

Dad comes in and looks around, especially under the bed. There’s nothing there. “You know, monsters aren’t real, and we’re only going to be here—” Something stabs Dad in the back. It’s the monster, a bird-beaked thing that growls like a lion.


I liked it. It starts out suitably creepy, and the creature is very good. We don’t see much of it, but what’s there is very good. It’s like someone took a Skeksis, set it on fire, and let it burn. Nice!