Short Film: Night Train (2024)

  • Directed by A. J. Serrano
  • Written by A. J. Serrano
  • Stars Daniel Girdo, Cairo Zion
  • Run Time: 5 Minutes
  • Watch it: On the festival circuit, no streaming links are available… yet
  • IMDB Link:

What Happens

Two boys walk home late at night; they’re gonna be late. They hop the turnstile and run through the subway, but they do manage to get on the train before it’s too late. The older boy mentions that there’s a “ghost station” at the end of the line. There’s said to be an old man there who’s been waiting for the train for a hundred years.

It’s not true… is it? 


It’s well shot and well acted; the plot is very clear, and the story makes perfect sense. I doubt I’d be as calm as the younger kid at what happens at the end, but his reaction just adds to the effect.

Very nice!

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