Short Film- Mob Ghost (2022)


A man sits alone eating and smells smoke; the stove in his kitchen has gone haywire. No– it’s a ghost!

He calls in a paranormal investigator who says that it’s the ghost of an Italian crime boss, Paulie the Butcher, who used to live here– and died here. “That explains the smell of pasta cooking,” says the man. The expert works cheap; he just wants some weed or something. Never look for an exorcist on Craigslist!


It’s more humor than horror, but it’s an exorcist story down deep, at least until it becomes The Sopranos. “Where’s my gabagool?”

It’s well-shot, well-acted, and very funny, especially if you like Italian mobster films. There may be worse things than living with a mob ghost, as poor George finds out in the end.