- Directed by Francisco Lacerda
- Written by Amarino Franca, Francisco Lacerda
- Stars Fernando Alle, Rita Borges, Francisco Afonso Lopes
- Run Time: 8 Minutes
- Watch it: https://www.facebook.com/karaokenightfilm

A woman sings karaoke at a bar. A pair of sleazy looking men with tinted sunglasses, gaudy suits, and smarmy faces admire her and eat like pigs. Afterward, one of the men uses a cheesy pickup line and comes onto her. She kicks him where it counts and leaves, but he still takes credit for having sex with her.
Later, in the parking lot, he learns what it’s like to be taken advantage of.
Kevin tried to get the song for his Apple Music playlist, but it wasn’t recognized. It looks like it’s unique for the movie since the director is credited with writing the lyrics. Hopefully it will be released.
The man looks, dresses, and talks like a sleazy version of Borat. Very nice.
It’s more comedy than horror, but the creature and gore effects are awesome. Overall this was great.
“We happy?”
“We happy!”