Dad comes into Justin’s room and warns him to ignore “The Woman” as much as possible. “Don’t look at her, don’t think about her. She’s going to leave, but only if you pretend she isn’t there,” he says hurriedly. The boy looks upset; this has happened before. It’s an awkward dinner to say the least.
Call me crazy, but if I had a strange woman ghost roaming around in my house, I’d turn some freakin’ lights on. This house is so dark that it just invites evil spirits.
It’s very well acted and looks great. You don’t see much of the creature, but that’s probably good, since if you notice it, bad things happen. I like this one a lot.
Directed by Sam Fox Written by Sam Fox Stars Maddie Nichols, Christopher Rydell, William E. Harris, Vincent Stalba Run Time: 11:55 Trailer: Synopsis After some over-the-top titles, we open on Sandy, who calls Dan “to talk.” Dan is outside with flowers, so she runs outside and tells him that…
Short: Happy Mother's Day (2019) Review Written and Directed by August Aguilar Starring: Gracie Demsky, Maryann Fisher, Dan Busch, Martin James, Donna Madison 13 Minutes YouTube Link for Happy Mother's Day Cindy and Samantha go inside Cindy's house. She says her mother is inside, and Samantha wants to give her…
Directed by Asa Braden Written by Asa Brader Stars Bill Hand, Jimmy Merchel, Tristan Johnson, Kyle Hardy, and Damien Kira Run Time: 10:14 Watch it: What Happens Sam and Joey were hired to clear out houses after tenants had been evicted. Joey, who is new, asks old-time Sam…