Short Film: Happy Mother’s Day (2019) Review

Short: Happy Mother’s Day (2019) Review

Written and Directed by August Aguilar

Starring: Gracie Demsky, Maryann Fisher, Dan Busch, Martin James, Donna Madison

13 Minutes

YouTube Link for Happy Mother’s Day

Short: Happy Mother's Day

Cindy and Samantha go inside Cindy’s house. She says her mother is inside, and Samantha wants to give her a Mother’s Day cake. Samantha, the friend, sits down to wait while Cindy gets the mother’s caretaker and Cindy’s brother, Jonas.

The caretaker lets the girl’s younger brother out of his hidden, locked closet and the two go in to introduce themselves to Samantha. Jonas has a huge claw-mark on his face. Mother can’t come upstairs; she likes it dark and cool in the basement. The caretaker brings them juice, and they all act weird. Samantha starts getting dizzy, which in most films, usually means you’ve been drugged. She wakes up in Jonas’s little prison, and things go downhill from there…


It’s super-low budget, but keeping that in mind, it’s pretty decent. It’s got a little bit of a “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” thing going on with the family characters. There’s not much here that you haven’t seen before, but it’s all well done. Give it a shot!