Short Film: Good Head (2021)

What Happens

Major actor Cooper Bradley is starring in his new superhero film, “Silver Streak,” and he gets the call that he needs to get a molding of his head done for a scene. He and his assistant drive out to the special effects house and meet Shane, the special effects guy. He gives them a tour of his (amazing) prosthetics warehouse. He’s Cooper’s #1 fan, and he doesn’t try to hide.

Cooper is claustrophobic, which makes getting a whole head mold really terrifying for him. In truth, that’s only the beginning of Cooper’s nightmare…


This is just awesome. The special effects here are absolutely nowhere near Hollywood quality or budget, but they were clearly a labor of love on someone’s part, and there are a lot of special effects here.

“Cooper Bradley” is a play on a certain MCU actor’s name, but Matt Servitto clearly should be playing “Junior Downey Robert” instead. He’s got the looks and mannerisms of the Iron Man actor down; I assume they thought maybe it was too on-the-nose, or maybe they feared legal problems. Doesn’t matter; we know who he’s supposed to be.

I don’t know where they filmed this, but it certainly looks cool. The production values are outstanding, the acting is perfect for the story, it’s incredibly funny, and overall, it’s a major win!

P.s. Watch out for Milton Berle.