Short Film: Gnosis (2024)

What Happens

We are told about a discovery in the 22nd century that would allow humans to “pierce the veil” between other dimensions. “We were woefully unprepared for the horrors that awaited us.”

Thirty years prior to that, the scientist records a visit to his lab. He explains this work is going to change everything we know about reality. He calls it an “Astral Lens.” It can capture images from realms other than ours through quantum physics. It does, in fact, change what we know about reality. Then, something goes terribly wrong…


Well, that was depressing!

It’s a mix of AI-generated images, live-action actors, and a lot of narration. It looks good, and the story develops at a good pace. It’s told in the style of a narrated “history lesson” rather than an actual story with characters, much like a book or movie’s prologue. The visuals and creature designs are very cool and have a definite Cosmic Horror vibe to them.  

I’m sure it’ll have detractors due to the use of AI, but I suspect this is an early taste of things to come.

Kevin adds that he’s one of those detractors due to the use of AI. AI that is obvious and has a core sameness to it over and over. The visuals are interesting, but it’s just a string of short AI clips strung together to make a story. There might have been one real person in it, and the narrator might have been a real voice. He’s lukewarm on this one.

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