- Directed by Paul Gandersman
- Written by Peter S. Hall
- Stars Sarah Nell Kessler, Laura Jessica Perrin, Heather Caiti Ward
- Run Time: 10:22
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGukFTW25cg

A woman prepares a “very special offering” and reads the spell from her book. She opens a mystical doorway to a dark place; she wants revenge on those who have caused her pain. Heather and Becca, the two bad girls, come in, and the main girl says the dark hole in the wall is “a wishing well. A real one.” She demonstrates how it works; you need to make offerings to the “Givertaker.”
What could go wrong?
Sometimes it’s not good to hear the truth. Also, be careful what you wish for.
This one is well acted, well written, with good pacing, special effects, and music. It looks good and has a simple, self-contained story that tells us everything we need to know.