- Directed by Bret Miller
- Written by Bret Miller
- Stars Chris Newman, Connie Cowper, Bill Vincent
- Run Time: 12:42
- Watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciNNPBZGGTE

A boy plays with cars until one falls out the window. He falls out to his death.
Present Day. David calls his wife; he has a stop to make on the way home. An old man asks if David is the one who’s fixing up that old house– it’s the house from before. The old man looks up at the high window, and it’s clear he knows what happened there.
David goes inside the beautifully restored house and looks around. He hears something moving upstairs and goes to investigate. We see that he’s not alone…
It starts off slow and mysterious, but things escalate very quickly!
The house is really nice, and the acting is great as well. We know from the get-go that the little boy died there, but we don’t know the whole story. Every neighborhood has that one house that everyone knows about…