- Directed by Rodrigo Gasparini, Dante Vescio
- Written by Dante Vescio, Rafael Baliu, Rodrigo Gasparini
- Stars Bianca Tadini, Sofia Peres, Ivo Muller
- Run Time: 20 Minutes
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKWXmXlMQo8&list=WL&index=37

We zoom into a creepy mansion with a bunch of people in dark robes. A woman with white eyes sits at the crystal ball, and we see things on the TV.
The young couple on the TV look like they’re from the 80s, and they talk about the old Count who built the house. He had a son named Adam who liked to go hunting, until he got tired of hunting animals.
The robed people don’t care for what they see on the TV as the young people head inside the house. We see that both stories are in the same house. It gets weirder and weirder…
The design on Adam is really nice as well. He kept reminding me of one of Tim Burton’s creations.
The bits in the past look like a typical 80s slasher film (and looks really good), but the stuff in the modern day looks more like it was filmed on a phone. Still, what happens does all make sense, and it almost feels like a condensed version of a longer film. Well, it could be anyway.
It took a while to get going with this one, I though it looked like it was going to be a stupid parody in the beginning, but it got better and better as it went along. Stick with it, it’s worthwhile.