- Written and Directed by Tim Egan
- Stars Laura Jane Turner
- Run Time: 9:51
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dD3Fawk4y0
We open on waves. Big waves. A girl is sleeping. She startles awake to find she’s laying on a huge, curved shelf that drops off into deep, abysmal, blackness. It’s some kind of flood spillway or something, and there’s no way up. It’s all on a steep incline, and any movement will cause her to slide over the edge.
Then something down there howls, and then there’s the evidence that she’s not the first to be in this predicament.
There’s helpless, and then there’s helpless. The ending looks pretty inevitable from the first scene, but you have to wonder if she can get out of it somehow.
There’s one actor and one set. This is about as low budget and simple as a story can get, but it makes you wonder: how did she get there, why is she there, what’s at the bottom, who was the other person, will she get out? If not, then what happens next? I like the ones that make you think, and this one has so many unanswered questions that it does just that.