Short Film: Alone Time (2019) Review

Directed by Rod Blackhurst

Starring: Rose Hemingway

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12 Minutes

Short Film: Alone Time (2019)
Short Film: Alone Time (2019)


She needed to get away from the stress of work and the city. There are a number of establishing scenes showing us that life around other people is hard. She decides to go camping to get away for a few days.

Immediately, the music changes and things start getting lighter, she smiles a lot more as things become more and more green. She parks the car and walks down a path. There’s no one around, and it all looks very isolated now.

She pitches her tent, she goes for a swim, she builds a campfire. Night falls, and she goes to sleep. It’s perfect.

When she returns to the city, she looks at the photos she took while there. Maybe the trip wasn’t as idyllic as she remembers.


This was beautifully shot and really relaxing to watch right up to the end. I was really starting to wonder where the horror aspect was going to come in, and they waited right to the end. Well done!