- Directed by Tony Morales
- Written by Tony Morales and Fer Zaragoza
- Stars Beatriz Salas, Carmen Salas, Virginia Gomez
- Run Time: 9:39
- Watch it at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuXrHsI2o1E&list=WL&index=30

A terrible phone call in the middle of the night shakes Laura’s world. Meanwhile, little Ainara plays in her room. The appearance of an unknown being will test the mental and emotional stability of the two sisters.
Sometimes scary fairy tales do exist. At least I guess they do, because it was too dark to see anything in this video. It’s very tense and suspenseful, but I have no idea what was going on.
I looked up “Abracitos” on Google to see if it’s some kind of myth that I was unfamiliar with, but all that came up was links to this film. Apparently, their mother died and this evil woman-spirit thing decided to stalk the two daughters for some reason. I feel like I missed half the story, because there’s just no explanation at all.