- Director: Ali Mashayekhi
- Writers: Oswald Mahogany, Jessica Pontes (story by)
- Stars: Brock Morgan, Jessica Pontes
- Run Time: 7 Minutes
- Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11282096/
Mark, a deadbeat dad, shows up late to take his daughter to a birthday party. The two adults argue over who’s the biggest monster. Little Emily thinks her daddy’s name is “Monster.”
The little girl has the world’s ugliest doll, and her mother wants to know, “Who gave this to you?”
“It’s to keep the Monster away,” the girl explains. Her mother takes the ugly doll away.
Her father comes back over, and the little girl hears the arguing in the next room. Something approaches the girl from behind…
It’s not quite clear who the monster is going to turn out to be until the end, but it’s not really much of a surprise. Well made, and kudos to having a good child actor.