- Directed by Alex Montilla
- Written by Alex Montilla
- Stars Timothy Guion Smith, Bud Galloway, Tristen Hagen, Amy Letcher
- Run Time: 14:57
- Watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbMEUm-d3u4&list=WL&index=31

Spoiler-Free Judgment Zone
A girl runs into a house and calls 911. She thinks her friends have all been murdered.
Six friends are camping in the woods. One of them sees the killer with the mask that the guy at the gas station told them about. No one else believes him or cares. There’s some really good “woke talk,” and the couples split up and go separate ways to make out. “What if there really is someone out there?” She asks.
Yeah. What if?
Wow. This takes the tropes from just about all the slasher films and adds in a lot of political correctness, bad puns and one-liners, and an indestructible villain. Who knew that a slasher film was really just a big, messy cartoon?
It’s pretty great!