
There are FIVE ways to get our Reviews:

  1. This website, HorrorGuys.com includes four full-length horror films and one horror short each week as well as our once-a week podcast update.
  2. The Podcast. Each week, we talk about the movies we watched and read the full synopsis and reviews from the website. You can listen to the shows at http://horrorbulletin.libsyn.com or on the announcement pages that are posted each week. Follow the shows for free with any podcast app.
  3. Weekly email. Sign up and get the same content as the website, sent to your email once a week. Sign up at http://horrorbulletin.substack.com or on the right-hand side of this page. Note that there are often extra, BONUS reviews sent out with this method. You get the most stuff for FREE with this method.
  4. Horror Bulletin Monthly. Get the entire month’s reviews, plus lots of bonus content. This is available wherever you buy e-books: Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Scribd, and Apple. There’s also a print version available each month via Amazon.
  5. Our books. We have a number of fantastic books on horror film topics.