- Directed by David Verbeek
- Written by David Verbeek, Hugh Travers
- Stars Gijs Blom, Philip Juan, Anna Marchenko
- Run Time: 1 Hour, 38 Minutes
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5s1XhTWWBU

Spoiler-Free Judgement Zone
Five ultra-rich friends learn what happens when you become a vampire. It looks really good and has a fun premise that really goes nowhere. I didn’t hate it, but I don’t plan to watch it again.
A couple of girls are driving through the city in an expensive sports car and almost hit an old woman who points a finger and mutters gibberish at them. A couple of guys are waiting for them at the airport bar. They are waiting for the arrival of a fifth friend, Bin-Ray, who has died. Mason, Alastasia, Alexander, Lulu sit around his memorial cake… until Bin-Ray pops out of the cake– it was all a joke.
Ana says the guys are bored, that’s why the guys keep picking stupid things to do on their turns. Lulu says it’s her turn next week, what does she want to do? The five friends are all excessively wealthy, each worth umpteen billions apiece. They start a fight in the club, because why not? Lulu goes home to find her mother passed out drunk on the floor.
On Ana’s turn, they all go on a hike through the jungle, but she won’t say to where. They all camp out that night. A strange looking little man comes out of the woods to their campfire. The man cuts his hand and drips blood into a cup. He burns the blood, and they each inhale the smoke. Then they all pass out.
When they wake up, they find the old man, dead. They all pack up their stuff and start to head home. Then they notice that they all have fangs. They call for a helicopter to come pick them up. The copter takes them to a high-rise that’s still under construction. The sun starts to rise, and they all go inside. They doubt the sun will hurt them, but why take chances?
Ana swears she found the whole trip on Instagram. Bin-Ray does research about an ancient tribe of vampires that used to live on that land, and their shaman refused to leave. The shaman wanted to create a new “tribe” and gave them his blood.
How can they find out if they’re really vampires? The girls hire a gigalo. He lets them take his blood, and four of them drink it; Mason abstains to see what will happen. Afterwards, they are very energized. They don’t burn up in the sunlight. Lulu dares Mason to bite her, but again, he refuses.
Alex kidnaps a woman off the street and ties her up. Lulu tells him to release her, but he refuses. Ana finds the woman later. Alex practices looking scary in front of a mirror. Bin-Ray explains how he mind-controlled a lady at the 7/11.
The whole group goes to a Chinese Elvis impersonator dance. It goes well until Alexander bites a woman in the neck. Bin-Ray talks Anastasia into going public online. She says, “I have decided to become a vampire,” on an Instagram video.
Throughout the flim, we get various flashbacks of Lulu’s childhood, including her father’s suicide. Alex’s prisoner-woman turns up dead. Then we see what really happened that night in the jungle. Then it gets weird.
The scenery, settings, and overall cinematography are really cool. The audio is pretty bad in places; some of the characters are hard to understand, even ignoring the accents. If these people really believed they were vampires, I suspect they wouldn’t all be behaving this way.
I suspected exactly what happened far, far too early on. This is what happens when you have too much time and too much money. It just went on for far too long without seeing any special effects. Did these guys not get hungry during the three of four day span of the film? Once the truth is revealed, the fun comes to a screeching halt, but then it continues to go on and on and on with yet another twist.