- Directed by Matt Sears
- Written by Matt Sears
- Stars Samson Oliver, Toby Oliver, Renee Sears
- Run Time: 9:04
- Watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBj4rcs0AiQ
Two brothers explore a “haunted house” on a dare. Andrew expects his brother to pull some kind of prank to scare him. They pull out some candles and explain how you are supposed to do a chant over the bathtub to see the ghost. “As long as you hold your breath for one minute, she can’t hurt you.”
Andrew is scared but wants to impress a girl, so he goes through with it. What could go wrong?
It looks good and has excellent pacing and music. It’s short, with nothing unnecessary and no filler scenes. The creature effects are pretty decent, and the breath-holding concept is rather unique as well.