2024 The Dead Thing

Spoiler-Free Judgment Zone

A young woman generally unsatisfied with her life is also unsatisfied with the string of guys she dates and sleeps with. But then she meets someone special, and we think that it’s going to be a happily ever after. Nope, a little more complicated than that. This was pretty unique, kind of low on the scares and high on the drama, and we liked it more than disliked it.

Spoilery Synopsis

Alex looks at her phone and then she has sex. Credits roll. She spends a lot of time on her phone’s dating app, swiping and swiping, clearly not happy with the selection. Still, she dates a lot. She likes Mark, her coworker, but she won’t go there. 

She meets this one guy, Kyle, with a photo of his cat, and they spend the night together and talk about lots of things. Over some time, they get close. Alex’s roommate, Cara, is engaged to Paul, but Alex doesn’t like him; neither does Cara, apparently. 

Kyle doesn’t answer any of Alex’s texts, and she starts to get upset. Mark asks her if they could be a thing, but she doesn’t want to date a coworker. She’s infatuated with Kyle. She’s on a date with yet another guy and spots Kyle across the room and follows him. 

Alex tracks Kyle down at his job, and the barista there says he was killed not long ago; she’s even got an “in memoriam” flyer from the funeral. She finds his earbuds on the spot where he’s supposed to have died. She tracks down the woman she saw Kyle with, and she doesn’t know much. 

Alex uses the dating app and swipes on Kyle again. They arrange a date, he shows up, but he doesn’t recognize her. She knows there’s something wrong with Kyle, and she ditches him to go to work instead. Mark comes on to her, and she rebukes him.

Kyle tracks down Alex and wants to know when their first date was. His memory is sketchy, and he doesn’t sleep. Alex goes home, alone, and finds Cara on the floor, drunk. Cara’s wedding is cancelled, and she’s wearing the dress anyway, which is pathetic in Alex’s opinion. 

The next night at work, Mark has quit and a new guy has started. He has ugly shoes, but he’s got a good story to go with them. 

Kyle meets up with Sarah, a new girl. They get along really well until he notices some earbuds. He returns to his ugly, bloody, self, scaring the crap out of Sarah. 

Alex goes home after work and finds Kyle in her bed. He tells her about getting hit by a car in the road. Her match on the dating app distracted him. He knows now he’s dead and a ghost. She knows it too, but that doesn’t stop them from having sex for the rest of the night.

Kyle watches roommate Cara from the shadows, and he’s a little creepy about it. Kyle can also see his dead-self in the mirror, and when he does, he gets a little violent. 

Still, Alex and Kyle are very happy together. He seems to be a little much for her sometimes, and she’s more than a little afraid of him. He doesn’t want her to go to work and stay with him all the time. 

Alex finally goes to work, and her coworker Chris says it’s been more than a week that she’s been missing. The boss thought she left town, and they replaced her. 

She. Lost. Nine. Days. 

Back at the apartment, Paul comes by, and Cara has left his stuff out for him to take after their nasty breakup. Kyle is there, of course, and he watches Paul messing around in Alex’s room. Kyle follows Paul home and kills him. Kyle then kills Cara too, and shuts her body in a closet. 

Alex comes home to Kyle, and they argue. She wants to break up, but he’s afraid of what comes next. He vanishes, and she deletes him from the Friktion App. 

Some time passes, and now Alex is dating Chris, the guy from her former job. He wants to get closer, but she’s not over Kyle yet. Kyle, on the other hand, is the jealous type, and kills him too. To make it worse, Kyle possessed Chris’s dead body. “We’ll be together always…” 

She runs, but she can’t escape him. He strangles her. 

Alex, now a ghost herself, still uses the dating app, and she sees her own dead strangled body when looking in a mirror. 

Brian’s Commentary

We get a long way into this one before we know what’s going on, and even then, there are lots of bits we aren’t told. Kevin suspected that Kyle had been a serial killer in life, and that he would have killed Alex if he hadn’t died and lost his memory first. Honestly, that would have been more interesting than what we got. 

It’s a ghostly romance story with a bit of murder and mayhem thrown in. It’s got very little action but a lot of drama. It’s fine, but it’s not going on our top ten lists this year. 

Kevin’s Commentary

I went into this not knowing it was a ghost story, and I was caught off guard that Kyle was one. And when she broke up with him, there was still too much movie left for it to be that simple. I didn’t expect how far he would take things, though. I thought it was quite good and unique enough to be interesting. I was entertained.

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