2020 Short Film: Night Diner

What Happens

A food influencer goes to a diner where he’s heard the burgers are amazing. He gets there moments after ten p.m. and finds them closed. He goes around back, and the waitress and the cook let him in for a last-minute bite. He’s black, and the waitress hints that maybe that’s a problem, but he sticks around for his meal anyway. 


That really is a tasty burger! You know something is off right away, but it takes a while to find out why exactly. 

First of all, who goes to a diner after ten o’clock anyway? Waffle House, sure, but not a place like that. Even so, wanting food after they’re clearly closed is a really bad idea. After the first crack about being out of Kool-Aid, he should have taken the hint and just left. Oh well; he won’t be making that mistake again. 


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