Director: Daniel Stamm
Writers: David Birke, Daniel Stamm
Stars: Mark Webber, Devon Graye, Tom Bower
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1 Hour, 32 Min.

Professor Solomon is receiving an award in Perth, Australia. He starts reciting dirty limericks during his acceptance speech. When the hostess tries to stop him, he cuts off her finger with a butter knife. The police shoot him dead when he reaches into his coat for the phone. Why would this distinguished old professor act like that?
Credits Roll.
New Orleans. Elliott gets fired from his job as an insurance salesman, as he’s too honest. His father is being evicted, his pregnant girlfriend is not pleased, and his brother may have to be re-institutionalized. He’s a wimp who’s afraid to drive at the speed limit or skip through a deserted red light in the middle of nowhere.
He gets a call telling him he’s on a one-of-a-kind game show, where he can win a “fantastic cash prize” and the man on the phone seems to know everything about his financial situation. If he kills the fly that’s bothering him, he’ll win $1000. He kills the fly, and gets a text from the bank that the money has been deposited.
The phone rings again. “Swallow the fly you just killed for $3622.” The fly goes away quickly, and the money flows in. All he has to do is complete 13 challenges, and he’s already done two. Each one will give him greater amounts of money, but he cannot tell anyone about the game. The man on the phone says a previous winner got 6.5 million dollars. “For $5000, go make a child cry.” “For $10,000 burn down the church’s nativity scene.” “Trade this ostrich for a homeless man’s clothes.” And so on.
It just gets crazier from there until the police start hearing about Elliott’s antics. Before the night is over, he’s running red lights with a smile on his face. Is it just possible that Elliott likes this game?
This isn’t the first movie to do this kind of plot, but it’s got a few nice twists to it. It’s got a good build-up of suspense, but you kinda know where it’s going. Especially when it’s revealed that there’s a second player out there. Even then, there’s always just one more twist on top of that last twist. That final challenge is totally awesome.